Hippie Pants Blog filter by colors

Zodiac color

What is the color for your Zodiac sign?

Color is a perception of how we see various wavelengths of light, but it has also held significant, sacred meaning since the beginning of human civilization. Color pigments like blue used to be as valuable...
by Anna Bennington on January 29, 2018
The meaning of Color in Thailand

The meaning of Color in Thailand

Thais are a very superstitious people and have many deeply held beliefs. Some of these revolve around colors and drive habits which, though developed historically, in many cases are still evident today. In fact there are a wide range of objects and situations which are commonly thought to be either good luck or bad luck depending on the meaning of the colors involved.

by Anna Bennington on June 08, 2015


Hints, tips and news from Thailand. From how to wear you pants to cultural curiosities from the land of smiles. Welcome to our blog.


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